HighTechForms has developed a technology whereby your company’s or industry’s standard contracts can be filled out on your computer.
Currently, this technology is being utilized by thousands of AAPL, COPAS, and IADC association members, who can now complete their contracts on the PC, then email those contracts back and forth between parties.
Virtual Inventory – Just like a printing company makes residual revenue through repeat sales of its paper-based forms, you can do the same with “virtual inventory.” Members of your organization can purchase forms in lots of 10 or 100 (or whatever amount you want), and when they “use up” that inventory, they will need to purchase more.
The documents are secure. Only licensed users can modify documents. All others can view and print them. This helps protect your intellectual property from mass unauthorized distribution.
All changes are clearly marked. Insertions are bold and deletions are shown struck through, helping to protect the integrity of your copyrighted document.
Working with contracts this way is more efficient than ever. You don’t need a typewriter, white-out, or envelopes and postage. You save time by working with the document on your PC. You can create a boilerplate document that contains all the standard information you use for every contract, then modify to suit. Using HighTechForms interactive and automated contracts saves you hours of time, which translates into $$$$.
For more information, please contact us